Note: This tutorial was generated from an IPython notebook that can be downloaded here.

Simulation PDFsΒΆ

The time averaged joint PDFs from the TIGRESS simulations suites for all 7 models (see Simulation Model Tables) at all 4 heights are available. This tutorial demonstrates how to download, read, and handle simulation PDFs using TigressSimLoader class. More comphrensive examples can be found at Figures in Paper II.

import twind
# read in simulated PDF
sim = twind.TigressSimLoader('R4','H')

Since TigressSimLoader is a child class of TigressWindModel, this itself can be used to build model PDFs. If the simulation pdf is passed in TigressWindModel.set_axes() method, it will make axes identical to the simulation PDF.

Setting up from simulation PDF...
  u in (0.0,3.5) with du = 0.02
  w in (0.0,3.5) with dw = 0.02
  Sigma_SFR = 0.0917, ZISM = 0.0302
  Mpdf : cool=0.867 int=0.046 hot=0.085 total=0.998
  ppdf : cool=0.381 int=0.057 hot=0.560 total=0.999
  Epdf : cool=0.044 int=0.018 hot=0.938 total=1.000
  Zpdf : cool=0.824 int=0.047 hot=0.127 total=0.998
# show all PDFs from R4 simulation
simpdf = sim.simpdf
# this can be compared with model PDF
<xarray.plot.facetgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7fa83075e048>
../_images/simulation_pdfs_8_1.png ../_images/simulation_pdfs_8_2.png

Looking for more comprehensive comparisons? Check Figures in Paper II