Note: This tutorial was generated from an IPython notebook that can be downloaded here.

Simulation Model Tables

We construct model PDFs based on the results from the TIGRESS simulation suite presented in Paper I. We summarize model parameters and some integrated outflow propertes here using table files made available at zenodo or github. Mainly, the results are phase separated (three large bins in temperature or \(c_s\)) but outflow velocity integrated (\(v_{\rm out}>0\)).

You can download the original notebook to reproduce tables and figures in Paper I.

Download and Prepare Tables

# Download Tables
import urllib.request
import os

if not os.path.isdir('tables/'): os.mkdir('tables/')
for f in tbl_files:
    if not os.path.isfile(f):
# Read Tables with astropy:

from astropy.table import QTable,Table'tables/table-mean.ecsv')'tables/table-mean-err.ecsv')
# add additional time scales for Table 2 in Paper I
import astropy.constants as ac
import astropy.units as au

# set format for more compact display
for k in tmean.keys():
    if tmean[k].info.dtype == 'float64':
        tmean[k].info.format = '15.2g'
        if k in terr: terr[k].info.format = '15.2g'

Table 1: Model Parameters

for k in table1_varlist:
    if tmean[k].info.dtype == 'float64':
        tmean[k].info.format = '15.3g'

tbl1=tmean[(tmean['z']=='H') & (tmean['phase']=='whole') ][table1_varlist]

model    Sigma_gas0      Sigma_star        rho_dm         Omega_0          z_star           R_0
       solMass / pc2   solMass / pc2   solMass / pc3    km / (kpc s)         pc             kpc
----- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
   R2             150             450            0.08             100             245               2
   R4              50             208           0.024            53.7             245               4
   R8              12              42          0.0064              28             245               8
  R16            2.49            1.71         0.00143            11.9             245              16
 LGR2             150             110           0.015              50             500               2
 LGR4              60              50           0.005              30             500               4
 LGR8              12              10          0.0016              15             500               8
  • Sigma_gas0: initial gas surface density, \(\Sigma_\text{gas,0}\)
  • Sigma_star: stellar surface density, \(\Sigma_{*}\)
  • rho_dm: midplane dark matter density, \(\rho_\text{dm}\)
  • Omega: angular velocity of galactic rotation, \(\Omega\)
  • R_0: galactocentric radius, \(R_0\)
  • z_star: scale height of stellar disk, \(z_*\)

Table 2: Time Scales

tbl2=tmean[(tmean['z']=='H') & (tmean['phase']=='whole') ][table2_varlist]

model       torb           toscn           tosca           tdep40           surf             sfr40
            Myr             Myr             Myr             Myr        solMass / pc2  solMass / (kpc2 yr)
----- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------
   R2              61              32              23              66              74                 1.1
   R4         1.1e+02              51              38         2.4e+02              29                0.12
   R8         2.2e+02         1.2e+02              75         2.1e+03              11              0.0051
  R16         5.2e+02         4.6e+02         3.1e+02         3.1e+04             2.5               8e-05
 LGR2         1.2e+02              52              48         1.5e+02              74                0.49
 LGR4           2e+02              87              80         4.2e+02              38                0.09
 LGR8         4.1e+02         2.2e+02         1.7e+02         3.3e+03              10              0.0032
  • torb: orbit time, \(t_\text{orb}=2\pi/\Omega\)
  • toscn: vertical oscillation time derived from numerical measures, \(t_\text{osc,n}=2\pi H/\sigma_{\rm z,eff}\)
  • tosca: vertical oscillation time derived from input parameters, \(t_\text{osc,a}=2\pi/(4\pi G\rho_{\rm tot})^{1/2}\)
  • tdep40: gas depletion time with SFR surface density in 40 Myr, \(t_\text{dep,40}=\Sigma_\text{gas}/\Sigma_\text{SFR,40}\)
  • surf: mean gas surface density, \(\Sigma_\text{gas}\)
  • sfr40: mean SFR surface density from star particles young than 40 Myr, \(\Sigma_\text{SFR,40}\)

mean and error are determined from bootstrap resampling with a sample size of 10 for time series over \(0.5<t/t_{\rm orb}<1.5\)

Table 3-1: Fluxes

z0='H' # height can be ('H','2H','500','1000')

model phase         mass                  mom                 energy            metal              metal_sn
            solMass / (kpc2 yr) km solMass / (kpc2 s yr) erg / (kpc2 yr) solMass / (kpc2 yr) solMass / (kpc2 yr)
----- ----- ------------------- ------------------------ --------------- ------------------- -------------------
   R2  cool                0.74                       50         7.2e+46               0.029              0.0032
   R2   int               0.063                       10         2.8e+46              0.0026             0.00056
   R2   hot                0.13                  1.4e+02         2.8e+48              0.0096              0.0062
   R2 whole                0.94                    2e+02         2.9e+48               0.041                0.01
   R4  cool                0.26                       12           1e+46              0.0081             0.00042
   R4   int               0.014                      1.8         4.1e+45             0.00047             7.1e-05
   R4   hot               0.026                       18         2.2e+47              0.0013             0.00058
   R4 whole                 0.3                       32         2.3e+47              0.0098               0.001
   R8  cool               0.032                     0.78         4.4e+44             0.00071             2.1e-05
   R8   int              0.0012                     0.12         2.3e+44             2.9e-05             2.9e-06
   R8   hot              0.0013                     0.67         5.5e+45             4.1e-05             1.5e-05
   R8 whole               0.035                      1.6         6.2e+45             0.00078             3.8e-05
  R16  cool              0.0055                    0.085         2.3e+43             0.00011             2.5e-09
  R16   int             3.6e-05                   0.0028         3.7e+42             7.7e-07             5.2e-08
  R16   hot             1.4e-05                   0.0093         6.1e+43             4.4e-07             1.8e-07
  R16 whole              0.0055                    0.097         8.8e+43             0.00011             8.4e-08
 LGR2  cool                0.55                       26         2.8e+46               0.018              0.0015
 LGR2   int               0.026                      3.6         8.8e+45             0.00097             0.00019
 LGR2   hot               0.055                       48         6.8e+47              0.0033              0.0018
 LGR2 whole                0.63                       78         7.1e+47               0.023              0.0034
 LGR4  cool                0.45                       14         8.3e+45               0.012             0.00021
 LGR4   int                0.01                      1.2         2.5e+45              0.0003             3.7e-05
 LGR4   hot               0.015                       10         1.1e+47             0.00065             0.00028
 LGR4 whole                0.47                       25         1.2e+47               0.013             0.00048
 LGR8  cool                0.04                     0.86         3.6e+44             0.00087             7.9e-06
 LGR8   int             0.00074                    0.073         1.3e+44             1.7e-05             1.5e-06
 LGR8   hot             0.00089                     0.44         3.3e+45             2.7e-05             8.6e-06
 LGR8 whole               0.042                      1.4         3.8e+45             0.00092             1.8e-05
  • mass: mass flux, \(\overline{\mathcal{F}}_M\)
  • mom: momentum flux, \(\overline{\mathcal{F}}_p\)
  • energy: energy flux, \(\overline{\mathcal{F}}_E\)
  • metal: metal flux, \(\overline{\mathcal{F}}_Z\)
  • metal_sn: SN-origin metal flux, \(\overline{\mathcal{F}}_Z^{SN}\)

mean and error are determined from bootstrap resampling with a sample size of 10 for time series over \(0.5<t/t_{\rm orb}<1.5\)

Table 3-2: Loading Factors

z0='H' # height can be ('H','2H','500','1000')

model phase   mass_loading    mom_loading    energy_loading  metal_loading  metal_sn_loading

----- ----- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------
   R2  cool            0.68           0.035          0.0064             1.3             0.14
   R2   int           0.058          0.0071          0.0025            0.11            0.025
   R2   hot            0.12             0.1            0.24            0.42             0.27
   R2 whole            0.86            0.14            0.25             1.8             0.44
   R4  cool             2.2           0.075           0.008             3.2             0.17
   R4   int            0.12           0.012          0.0032            0.19            0.028
   R4   hot            0.22            0.12            0.17             0.5             0.23
   R4 whole             2.5             0.2            0.18             3.9              0.4
   R8  cool             6.3            0.12          0.0081             6.6             0.19
   R8   int            0.24           0.018          0.0043            0.27            0.027
   R8   hot            0.25           0.099             0.1            0.38             0.14
   R8 whole             6.8            0.23            0.11             7.3             0.36
  R16  cool              56            0.66           0.022              54           0.0012
  R16   int            0.37           0.022          0.0036            0.38            0.025
  R16   hot            0.14           0.072            0.06            0.22            0.087
  R16 whole              56            0.75           0.086              55            0.041
 LGR2  cool             1.2           0.042          0.0056             1.9             0.15
 LGR2   int           0.054          0.0058          0.0018           0.098             0.02
 LGR2   hot            0.12           0.077            0.14            0.33             0.18
 LGR2 whole             1.3            0.13            0.14             2.3             0.35
 LGR4  cool               5            0.12          0.0088             6.2             0.11
 LGR4   int            0.11            0.01          0.0027            0.16             0.02
 LGR4   hot            0.17           0.085            0.11            0.35             0.15
 LGR4 whole             5.3            0.21            0.12             6.8             0.26
 LGR8  cool              12             0.2           0.011              13             0.12
 LGR8   int            0.23           0.017           0.004            0.26            0.022
 LGR8   hot            0.28             0.1           0.099             0.4             0.13
 LGR8 whole              13            0.32            0.11              14             0.27
  • mass_loading: mass loading factor, \(\eta_M\)
  • mom_loading: mom loading factor, \(\eta_p\)
  • energy_loading: energy loading factor, \(\eta_E\)
  • metal_loading: mass loading factor, \(\eta_Z\)
  • metal_sn_loading: SN-origin metal loading factor, \(\eta_Z^{SN}\)

mean and error are determined from bootstrap resampling with a sample size of 10 for time series over \(0.5<t/t_{\rm orb}<1.5\)

Table 4: Velocities and Metals

z0='H' # height can be ('H','2H','500','1000')


model phase    vout_flux           vB              Z           enrichment       fmass_sn       fmetal_sn
                 km / s          km / s
----- ----- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
   R2  cool              69           1e+02           0.039             1.1           0.026            0.14
   R2   int         1.4e+02         2.1e+02           0.042             1.2           0.044            0.21
   R2   hot         5.8e+02         1.4e+03           0.072             2.1            0.23            0.63
   R2 whole         1.6e+02         5.6e+02           0.044             1.3           0.059            0.27
   R4  cool              47              67           0.032             1.1           0.011           0.068
   R4   int         1.1e+02         1.6e+02           0.034             1.1           0.023            0.13
   R4   hot         3.8e+02         8.2e+02           0.046             1.6           0.095             0.4
   R4 whole           1e+02         3.2e+02           0.034             1.1           0.024            0.14
   R8  cool              20              37           0.022               1          0.0035           0.032
   R8   int              69         1.3e+02           0.024             1.1           0.012             0.1
   R8   hot         2.4e+02           6e+02           0.031             1.4           0.054            0.34
   R8 whole              34         1.4e+02           0.023             1.1          0.0066           0.057
  R16  cool             7.9              20            0.02               1         7.3e-06         7.9e-05
  R16   int              36              95           0.022             1.1          0.0063           0.071
  R16   hot         1.3e+02         5.5e+02           0.032             1.6           0.051            0.37
  R16 whole             8.4              32            0.02               1         6.3e-05         0.00068
 LGR2  cool              44              68           0.035             1.1           0.015           0.084
 LGR2   int         1.1e+02         1.8e+02           0.039             1.2           0.036            0.19
 LGR2   hot         4.2e+02           1e+03           0.057             1.8            0.15            0.51
 LGR2 whole              92         3.4e+02           0.038             1.2           0.031            0.16
 LGR4  cool              30              45           0.028               1          0.0046           0.032
 LGR4   int              92         1.5e+02            0.03             1.1           0.018            0.12
 LGR4   hot         3.1e+02         7.4e+02           0.041             1.5            0.08            0.38
 LGR4 whole              47         1.7e+02           0.028             1.1          0.0085           0.058
 LGR8  cool              13              26           0.022               1          0.0014           0.013
 LGR8   int              50         1.2e+02           0.024             1.1           0.014            0.11
 LGR8   hot         1.6e+02         4.6e+02           0.029             1.4           0.039            0.29
 LGR8 whole              17              72           0.022               1          0.0032           0.027
  • vout_flux: characteristic outflow velocity, \(\overline{v}_\text{out}\)
  • vB: Bernoulli velocity, \(\overline{v}_{\mathcal{B}}\)
  • Z: outflow metallicity, \(\overline{Z}\)
  • enrichment: metal enrichment factor, \(\zeta\)
  • fmass_sn: fraction of SN-origin mass flux, \(f_M^{SN}\)
  • fmetal_sn: fraction of SN-origin metal flux, \(f_Z^{SN}\)

mean and error are determined from bootstrap resampling with a sample size of 10 for time series over \(0.5<t/t_{\rm orb}<1.5\)